Bits about books

Hosted BySubhanjan Sarkar

Authors talk about their books on Sales, Marketing, SAAS and Startups. What motivated them, why they chose this subject. And what we can take away from the book. Hopefully, a glimmer of wisdom that we can put to use.

Bizcast: Bits about books – In Conversation with Bob Burg, Author, “The Go-Giver” 

For more than 30 years Bob Burg has been successfully showing entrepreneurs, leaders, and sales professionals how to build relationships, communicate their value, and accelerate their business growth. Although he was best known for his sales classic, Endless Referrals, for years, his business parable, The Go-Giver, coauthored with John David Mann, has created a worldwide movement. 

While part of a four-book series, The Go-Giver has sold well over a million copies and been translated into 30 languages. It was rated #10 on Inc. Magazine’s list of “The Most Motivational Books Ever Written” and was on HubSpot’s 20 Most Highly Rated Sales Books of All Time. 

Bob is co-founder of SALESWISE LIVE™ Sales Mastery, an event for successful entrepreneurs, sales professionals, and leaders from around the world held in West Palm Beach, Florida. He also publishes the very popular Daily Impact email which you can subscribe to at 

Bob is an advocate, supporter, and defender of the Free Enterprise system, believing that the amount of money one makes is directly proportional to how many people they serve. 

He is also an unapologetic animal fanatic and serves as part of a South Florida rescue, foster, and adoption organization. 


Bob Burg
Bob Burg
  • “The Go-Giver” deals with achieving success in business through five tenets that turn around the concept of a “Go-Getter” and focus instead upon creating value for prospects and customers, which, according to the authors, automatically leads to greater gains for both seller and buyer. 
  •  The concepts are presented in a parable form, with a protagonist seeking to achieve success. The young man, Joe, years for success and considers himself a go-getter. In his quest, he takes the help of Pindar, a consultant, who introduces Joe to a few ‘go-givers’, who reveal to him the ‘Five Laws of Stratospheric Success’, which are about the power of ‘giving’. 
  • Joe realizes that putting the interests of others before his demands and requirements could lead to greater success and even the power of his influence is determined by how much he focuses on others’ interests rather than his own. 

Run time – 40:45 mins.

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