Bits about books

Hosted BySubhanjan Sarkar

Authors talk about their books on Sales, Marketing, SAAS and Startups. What motivated them, why they chose this subject. And what we can take away from the book. Hopefully, a glimmer of wisdom that we can put to use.

Bizcast: Bits about books – In Conversation with Carole Mahoney, Author, “Buyer First” 

Author of Buyer First: Grow Your Business with Collaborative Selling, Carole Mahoney is changing the way the entire sales industry sees itself — and how buyers see it too. 

She has been called the “Sales Therapist” at Harvard Business School where she coaches on sales for their Entrepreneurial MBA program. 

She is also the President of the AA-ISP Boston Chapter, has been named a top sales influencer by LinkedIn and Sales Hacker and has been voted a top sales coach by Ambition. 

With the heart of a teacher and the spirit of a coach, she’s ready to share how you can unlock the success you’ve never thought possible.  

Carole Mahoney
Carole Mahoney
  • “Buyer First”, as the name implies, is a book exhorting the salesperson to change the narrative from sales-focused to buyer-focused. The author, Carole Mahoney, has been planning to write the book for more than a decade and has 10 years of research and experience condensed into the book. 
  • 2.3 million sales professionals took assessments and evaluations into what makes salespersons successful— their beliefs, their mindsets, and the behaviours and skill sets that lead to success and savings. It delves into neuroscience, psychology, sociology, and the behavioural sciences that predict why we do certain things and why we often do not do what we ought to do. 
  • The most important conclusion is that today buyers have the power, and they make the rules. Sales leadership, including business owners, must realize that everyone is in the business of selling, and re-tune mindsets to work collaboratively with the buyer. Filled with insights from studies conducted even as late as the pandemic and after, the book also provides exercises in the form of questions aimed at helping sales form a better understanding of their own goals and craft strategies that invigorate sales. 

Run time – 59.21 mins.

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