Bizcast: Bits about books – In Conversation with Andrea Waltz and Richard Fenton, Authors, “When They Say No”
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Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz are the founders of Courage Crafters, Inc., and the authors of the best-selling book, Go for No! They speak internationally, teaching business, sales, and entrepreneurial audiences how to overcome their fear of rejection and achieve extraordinary sales success by hearing ‘no’ more often.
Richard and Andrea are also producers of a 98-minute personal development DVD movie and their “go for no” philosophies have been featured in hundreds of online and offline publications including Inc. Magazine, Forbes, Success Magazine, and many more. The book, Go for No! Reached #1 on Amazon’s “Selling” list in 2010. The book has remained in the top 50 of ‘Sales’ books for the last 12 years and has become a well-known methodology in the world of selling, widely recognized as the singular best program for dealing with rejection in business.
In 2023, they released this follow-up book to their original – “When They Say No”- designed to give readers strategies for thinking, saying, and doing when they get rejected in sales.
Richard and Andrea are also married. They live in Florida with their cat Storey, their dog, Peppers, and an alligator in the pond behind their house named Gary. Richard is also a fiction writer and the author of an 11-book paranormal thriller series under a pen name.

- It is a rare person who does not fear rejection. This fear has been programmed into our brains through millions of years of evolution. Historically, rejection implied having to survive solo under very difficult circumstances. So, we typically get into a “fight or flight” mode when we encounter rejection.
- Salespeople are by nature very optimistic in their attitudes. So typically, when they meet they do not want to talk about the elephant in the room— the rejections. They are happier discussing tools such as CRMs or numbers, without dealing with difficult issues.
- After their previous bestseller, “Go for No!”, the authors decided to come up with the current short and succinct book “When They Say No”. This book deals with the logical next step— how to deal tactically with rejection. The rejections are categorized and ways to deal with them are defined. One may thus call the book a manual on handling rejections.
Run time – 57.34 mins.