Bits about books

Hosted BySubhanjan Sarkar

Authors talk about their books on Sales, Marketing, SAAS and Startups. What motivated them, why they chose this subject. And what we can take away from the book. Hopefully, a glimmer of wisdom that we can put to use.

Bizcast: Bits about books – In Conversation with Dhruv Nath, Author, The Dream Founder

Dr. Dhruv Nath is a Professor at MDI, Gurgaon, a Director with Lead Angels, and an Angel Investor. Earlier was a Senior Vice President with NIIT Ltd. He has been a consultant to the Top Management of several organisations like Glaxo, Gillette, Nestle, Indian Oil Corporation, Thermax, and Bajaj Auto, as well as to the Prime Minister of Namibia and the Chief Minister of Delhi. 

Dhruv has a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Computer Science, both from IIT Delhi. He has written Five books, the latest being “The Dream Founder”. 

Dr. Dhruv Nath
Dr. Dhruv Nath
  • “The Dream Founder” is a book that aims to help founders of startups make the right choices and create the right environment for building a successful business. The book covers areas such as ideal founders, the overarching vision, business models that enable that vision, getting the right team, and execution to translate the vision into action. Dhruv Nath has coined a simple acronym— DREAM, as a mnemonic to cover the important aspects of his model. 
  • In the interview, Dhruv Nath talks about the ideal number of co-founders for a startup, as well as how to choose the right co-founder— that is, one who has non-overlapping skills. With overlapping skills, there is a waste of resources and sometimes also leads to unnecessary friction. 
  • As revealed by the author in the interview, nothing, according to him is etched in stone. All his suggestions are based on observations and are meant as suggestions that should be tried. They are not meant to be the final prescription. 

Run time – 46.37 mins.

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