Bizcast: Bits about books – In Conversation with Lisa Magnuson, Author, The TOP Sales Leader Playbook: How to Win 5X Deals Repeatedly
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- Lisa Magnuson was an award-winning sales manager and led the charge as a Sales VP for several sales organizations across a variety of geographies, including executive positions with Fortune 50 companies across a broad spectrum of industries
- What account teams and sales organizations struggle with and how do they bring the qualities that help them win deals time after time. Lisa spoke with 41sales leaders those meet those goals. Double the challenges vis a vis goals. Huge distraction and the lack of a leadership playbook makes life truly difficult.
- How do the Sales leaders playbook differ from the sales playbook. How to organize the sales leadership teams to win these big deals using the 4 pillars of Leadership, Methodology, Execution and Culture.
- How do you land a $40m deal and then another. The tale is in this podcast.
- What are the red flags an organization needs to look out for on your way to building your team and leadership for these large deals? Starts with leadership commitment.
- Why are we loosing the forecasting game? What mindset do you need?
These and more insights from the ground in this great episode of Bits About Books.
Run time – 39.58 mins.