
Hosted BySubhanjan Sarkar

Talentwise, the definitive podcast for CXO’s, Human Resource and Learning and Development leaders.

Behind The Scenes at TalentWise with Rajib Aditya, producer TalentWise

Subhanjan Sarkar
Rajib Aditya
Rajib Aditya
  • AI and automation will cause huge job losses. Current concerns of society should provide some clues to where our future jobs lie. Food, ecology, climate change, biodiversity, water resources, alternative and clean energy are some of those grave concerns. Medicine, and health, especially areas such as tissue engineering, genetics, cancer research, nanotechnology and other biotech, will also be providing employment. 
  • The other big disruptor is the concept of the gig economy. In a gig economy, how do we define a team, when the team is not necessarily the home team? These workers ultimately need not have conventional loyalty toward the organization. If people simply move from project to project, then the whole work ethic becomes dependent on an input-output measure, and the organization can no longer see value in training the workers. 
  • If individuals are left to fend for themselves, they should rather be generalists than specialists, with a varied repertoire, to be able to adapt easily and reinvent themselves when jobs start becoming redundant due to AI and Automation. 

These and more insights from the ground in this great episode of TalentWise.   

Run time – 33.15 mins. 

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