The Trade Show Podcast

Hosted BySubhanjan Sarkar

The home for conversations with the leaders of the $50 billion Trade show industry. We speak to them about the past present and future of the Trade Show and event industry. We hope to bring you insights that will help you get the best ROI from your Trade Show investments.

Bizcast: The Trade Show Podcast – In Conversation with Marsha Flanagan, President and CEO, International Association of Exhibitions and Events®

Marsha Flanagan
Marsha Flanagan
  • IAEE is an organization whose members either produce events or provide services for events. Events are a large contributor to the global economy. In the US the latest data shows that events have contributed more than 90 billion dollars to the US economy.
  • It should be up to the organizers of events to find out from exhibitors what their goals are— which are most certainly varied. Is it leads, is it a number of purchases? It is crucial to train exhibitors because most of them do not have the necessary knowledge and tools to derive maximum ROI out of events.
  • Exhibitors and organizers must partner so that both are set up for success. This also entails organizers helping exhibitors in saving costs. The industry must also adopt technology and tools to make events more viable. And AI can be a huge enhancer rather than a disruptor, and help marketing, design, publicity as well as data analysis. 

Run time – 50:15 mins.

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