Bits about books

Hosted BySubhanjan Sarkar

Authors talk about their books on Sales, Marketing, SAAS and Startups. What motivated them, why they chose this subject. And what we can take away from the book. Hopefully, a glimmer of wisdom that we can put to use.

Bizcast: Bits about books – In Conversation with Mark Boundy, Author, Radical Value

Mark Boundy draws on 25 years of wide-ranging experience in sales, marketing, new product development, and product management.  He helps his clients find, win, and keep more business—more profitably.  He’s led firms to be value – and price–leaders in a wide variety of product and service industries. While excelling in Sales, Marketing, Product and executive roles, Mark Boundy learned the importance of focusing on customer-perceived value.  Value focus wins more, better customers at the right prices, and creates winning, rewarding cultures.  

Mark wrote, “Radical Value.  Elevate Your Company – and Career – By Unleashing the Power Within Customer Centricity”.  His firm, Boundy Consulting, LLC. helps its clients find, win, and keep more business, more effectively and profitably. 

Mark lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the father of two grown sons.  

Mark Boundy
Mark Boundy
  • Although this book is extremely important for B2B selling, there is a more significant point the author makes. It is about the value a customer perceives. That value-driven objectivity is not achieved by the sales team alone. It is something that every department and every silo within the organization must focus on to be able to deliver value to the customer. 
  • Equally important, the sales organization must understand the buyer organisation’s business to drive value for the customer. To this end, they must deeply involve themselves in learning about the customer’s challenges and successes, risks, and Total Cost of Ownership to be accepted as a trusted advisor. 
  • The aim of the seller is to be a consultative advisor to the buyer. Ultimately, buyers do not buy products or services. They only accept the success they derive out of the purchased product or service, and it is on these terms that they assess the value of the purchase. 

Run time – 67.39 mins.

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