Subhanjan Sarkar

Behind The Scenes at TalentWise with Rajib Aditya, producer TalentWise

AI and automation will cause huge job losses. Current concerns of society should provide some clues to where our future jobs lie. Food, ecology, climate change, biodiversity, water resources, alternative and clean energy are some of those grave concerns. Medicine, and health, especially areas such as tissue engineering, genetics, cancer research, nanotechnology and other biotech, will also be providing employment.  The other big…

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In Conversation with Subbu Iyer

Keys to future proofing lies in organizations viewing the team as Intellectual Property (IP) Producers and not just as human resources. This needs making Innovation Centric to the Culture.  The second key is incorporating Diversity. This leads to Transformation. It requires a change in focus- on Capability. Diversity is thus embraced as a strength and not seen…

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Special Round Up Episode: Future proof your team.

Welcome to a special episode of TalentWise where we talk about the Future of Work. We have been speaking to some of the best minds in the industry on How to Future Proof your team. In this special episode we present a roundup of our discussion with guests who have been speaking to us for the past few weeks. …

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In Conversation with Rahul Gupta

Companies exist to make human life better It therefore makes no sense if employees work towards making other people’s lives better but are miserable themselves. Organizations must therefore pay heed to the welfare of their own employees.  Employees should be motivated enough to think that they want to get to office in the morning and start working on…

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In Conversation with Bhawani Singh Shekhawat

Education today is making the youth, at the very best, exam ready- but not job ready. Moreover, the grading system today leaves much room for doubt about the real abilities of the examinees.   It is a monumental waste of time and resources if the employer has to train the young workers all over again after they have spent 25 years of…

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