Bits about books

Hosted BySubhanjan Sarkar

Authors talk about their books on Sales, Marketing, SAAS and Startups. What motivated them, why they chose this subject. And what we can take away from the book. Hopefully, a glimmer of wisdom that we can put to use.

Bizcast: Bits about books – Dan Pfister on his book, “Million Dollar Winback”, in conversation with Subhanjan Sarkar

Dan Pfister was a co-founder at The Business Source Corp., where he helped generate over 50,000 customers.

While at The Business Source, Dan created a customer win back process, and based on its success, he founded WinBack Labs. He’s also the host of ‘The Winback Marketing Podcast’ and author of ‘Million Dollar Winback.’

Dan Pfister
Dan Pfister
  • Churn costs businesses significant amounts in lost revenue. While businesses are more focused on acquiring new customers, they ignore customers who move to other vendors— at their own peril.
  • Dan Pfister in his book, “Million Dollar Winback”, outlines a process to assess the causes of losing paying customers and win them back. He outlines a seven-step framework that allows businesses to pinpoint the best prospects to win back and open the conversation once again.
  • Lifetime Value and recency are strong indicators for determining the best prospects. While higher LTV is an obvious metric to focus upon, it seems that how recently a customer left is also a good indicator of how likely they are to come back. The more recently they left, the more likely they are to come back. These apart, the framework dives into several metrics and processes to win back customers.

Run time – 49:54 mins.

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